Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel | Flash Update #31

Displaced children staying at the Khan Younis Training Centre, the most overcrowded UN shelter in Gaza. With less than two square metres per person, many of the 22,000 displaced people at this facility stay outdoors. Photo by UNRWA

Hostilities and casualties (Gaza Strip) 

  • Clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups in northern Gaza reportedly intensified on 6 November. The Israeli military claimed it has fully encircled Gaza city and has been reportedly advancing into the city from the south. Intense bombardments from the air, sea and land continued across the Gaza Strip.  
  • Between 5 November (noon) and 6 November (14:00), 252 Palestinians were killed in Gaza, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza. Among the deadliest incidents were two airstrikes at about 1:30 a.m., hitting residential buildings in Az Zawaidah (Middle area), killing 10 people, and in Tal As Sultan area (Rafah) killing 15 others.  
  • On the 31st day of hostilities, the cumulative reported Palestinian fatality toll in Gaza surpassed 10,000, including 4,008 children and 2,550 women, according to the MoH in Gaza. About 2,260 others are reported missing in Gaza, including 1,270 children. Most are presumed to be trapped under rubble.  
  • An additional telecommunication cut off was noticed across the Gaza Strip overnight (5 to 6 November), severely impeding the ability of ambulances and rescuers to reach those injured or trapped under collapsed buildings.  
  • On 6 November, one Israeli soldier was reportedly killed in Gaza, bringing the total number of soldiers killed since the start of ground operations to 30, according to Israeli sources. 
  • See the latest snapshot for more breakdowns. 
  • On 5 November, the leaders of 18 UN agencies and humanitarian NGOs issued a joint statement expressing “shock and horror” at the mounting death toll from the conflict and calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. 

Access and movement (Gaza Strip) 

  • On 6 November, the Egyptian border reopened for the evacuation of an unconfirmed number of foreign nationals and dual citizens, and a handful of injured people. This followed no such exits during the previous two days. On 2 and 3 November, 84 injured people were taken for medical care in Egypt, along with 66 relatives who accompanied them.
  • On 6 November, for the third consecutive day, the Israeli military called on residents of Gaza and the North Gaza governorates (hereafter: the north) to move southwards, opening a corridor between 10:00 and 14:00. UN monitors estimate that some 5,000 people passed. As roads leading to the main crossing junction had been heavily damaged, it was only reachable by foot. Entire families, including children, elderly people and persons with disabilities reported walking long distances, carrying their personal belongings by hand. The Israeli military has claimed that Hamas has been physically hindering people’s movement to the south.
  • On 6 November, 93 trucks primarily carrying food items, medicines, health supplies, bottled water and hygiene products crossed from Egypt into Gaza, bringing the number of trucks that have entered Gaza since 21 October to 569. Prior to the start of hostilities, an average of 500 truckloads entered Gaza every working day.
  • The Kerem Shalom crossing with Israel, which prior to the hostilities was the main entry point for goods, remains closed, as does the Israeli pedestrian crossing of Erez.

Displacement (Gaza Strip) 

    • About 1.5 million people in Gaza are internally displaced (IDPs). Of them, some 717,000 are sheltering in 149 UNRWA facilities, 122,000 in hospitals, churches, and public buildings, 110,000 people in 89 non-UNRWA schools, and the remainder are residing with host families. 
    • Overcrowding remains a major concern. More than 557,000 people are sheltering in 92 UNRWA facilities in the south and shelters are unable to accommodate new arrivals. The Khan Younis Training Centre, the most overcrowded UNRWA shelter, hosts more than 22,000 IDPs: the space per person is less than two square metres, while at least 600 people are sharing one toilet. 
    • The worsening sanitary conditions, along with the lack of privacy and space, generate health and safety hazards. Thousands of cases of acute respiratory infections, diarrhea and chicken pox have been reported among people taking refuge at UNRWA shelters. 
    • An estimated 160,000 IDPs are housed in 57 UNRWA facilities in the north. UNRWA, however, is no longer able to provide services in those areas and does not have accurate information on people’s needs and conditions since the Israeli evacuation order on 12 October. 
    • A total of 50 IDPs sheltering in UNRWA premises have been killed and 461 injured since 7 October, in the context of hostilities.  
    • See the live IDP dashboard for the latest figures and more breakdowns.
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